About the Class

When: Thursday mornings 10am-12.30pm
This is a friendly, not-for-profit, cooperatively organised, untutored life-drawing group.
There are two one-hour sessions (10:00-11:00 and 11:30-12:30) with a half hour break for coffee and a chat.
We take it in turns to set the poses for the models (optional) and normally combine some short and some long poses each week.
With no formal teaching or ‘show and tell’ sessions you can be as private or as public as you wish about the work you produce and there is normally a range of ability. The break will afford plenty of opportunity to discuss work, art and life.
The cost for a 12-week ‘term’ is currently £70 and we are always ready to welcome new members.
To find out more, email patricksgj@gmail.com or anne.burks@ntlworld.com
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